
Hiding in the Hallway: Anchoring Yourself as an Mk [Paperback]

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“Hiding in the Hallway: Anchoring Yourself as an MK” by Jeanne Harrison is a heartfelt and insightful guide for missionary kids (MKs) navigating the unique challenges of growing up between cultures. Harrison, an experienced MK, offers a compassionate perspective that resonates with those navigating the tension of conflicting identities.

The book explores MKs’ struggles with isolation, identity confusion, and balancing expectations from both home and host cultures. Harrison acknowledges the emotional toll on MKs, offering practical advice to anchor their faith and identity amid challenges.

A key theme is finding stability in a life marked by constant change and uncertainty. Harrison encourages MKs to build a strong personal relationship with God as a stable foundation amid shifting circumstances. She provides practical tips on cultivating spiritual disciplines, building healthy relationships, and maintaining purpose and direction amidst chaos.

Harrison’s empathetic writing shows she has experienced similar challenges, making her advice relatable and deeply understanding for readers. She shares personal stories and experiences that make the book relatable and engaging, while also providing wisdom and guidance that can help MKs navigate their unique journey with confidence and grace.

“Hiding in the Hallway” also explores the concept of “home” for MKs, who often feel like they don’t fully belong anywhere. Harrison challenges this notion by helping readers understand that their true identity and belonging are found in Christ, who transcends cultural and geographical boundaries. She emphasizes that while the journey of an MK can be difficult, it is also rich with opportunities for growth, resilience, and a deeper connection with God.

Overall, “Hiding in the Hallway: Anchoring Yourself as an MK” is an essential resource for missionary kids seeking to understand and embrace their identity, offering hope and practical guidance for thriving in the midst of a complex and often challenging life.


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